martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008


Me vais a disculpar, pero he decido traducir al inglés mi última entrada , para poder tener la posibilidad de practicar mi olvidado inglés.Es solo un trozo de la entrada anterior:

Now, in English:

These days of economic uncertainty prefer to stay with the rare good news out there.
First, in full economic crisis, there are a lot of news about banks in crisis and with the Americans senators voting against the rescue plan designed by W. Bush;We know the Santander Bank who just bought an important English bank, it sounds as the rescuer of an American bank. I wonder that our president says about our financial system is the healthiest in Europe. he is always lying, if he told us the truth in this case there is no way to distinguish this sentence that another lies he has told like that: "Now we will advance to France." The fact is that neither Santander or BBVA seem to be struggling and this reassures me.

2 comentarios:

Karlo dijo...

The view on U.S. blogs is pretty bleak. We all know that a bunch of wealthy hogs have stolen our money and the system is now crashing, but no one seems to have the gumption to punish the guilty. I've become more and more convinced that the entire purpose of the American political and economic systems is to transfer the wealth of the poor (and increasingly, the middle class) to the rich.

Javi2022 dijo...

Finaly , it seems they are approving the financial rescue plan designed by Bush (oh my god!) They say that each american pay-taxes will pay 1.600$ from their pockets.¡ It is too much!
I am afraid, because Sarkosy is copying the Bush plan for Europe. It is the European sistem: the Americans look for solutions and we copy them.
Actually the globalized economic system is meant to transfer the all wealth as possible to the rich.